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ISSN: 1744-2397
4 printed issues per year
No publication fees
Publication Dates: 30 January;
30 April; 30 July; 30 October; for every year

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The Mediterranean Journal of Computers and Networks covers - but not limited to:
Computer organizations and architectures; Operating systems and software systems; Real-time and embedded systems; Digital devices and computer components; Testing methods and tools, performance, fault tolerance, reliability,and security; Interconnection networks, communication network architecture & protocols; Network services and applications, Network security and privacy; Network operation and management; Computer communications (LANs and WANs), and optical networks; Discrete algorithms and discrete modelling; Case studies, experimental and theoretical evaluations; Concurrent, parallel and distributed processing; Image and voice processing; Real time processing; Evaluative computation; Artificial intelligence; Soft Computing; Intelligent Agents ; Wireless communicationand networks; Optical networks; Evaluative computation and algorithms; Mobile computing; Data Mining and Data Warehousing; Object Oriented Analysis and Design; Computer Graphics and Animation; Computer-aided education; Software Architecture; and many more...

Papers may be from the following categories:

Design: Present a complete "how-to" guide. Connect design procedures to first principles. Explicitly state necessary heuristics and limits of applicability. Provide evidence that the procedures are practicable.

Analysis: Clearly develop a fundamental, theoretical analysis of a practice-relevant issue. Explicitly state implications and recommendations for its application. Provide credible examples.

Application: Present the results of new (or under-utilized) techniques or novel applications. Provide a complete description of results, including pilot- or plant-scale experimental data, and a revelation of heuristics and shortcomings.


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